Spiritual Diseases

10 spiritually transmitted diseases Written by Edmunds on January 3, 2014 http://ayahuascaprajna.com/2014/01/03/10-spiritually-transmitted-diseases/ The following 10 categorizations are not intended to be definitive but are offered as a tool for becoming aware of some of the most common spiritually transmitted diseases. 1. Fast-Food Spirituality: Mix spirituality with a culture that...

Intention: faith or science?

Intentionality & The Field of God’s Love Firstly let us consider the nature and exploration of the science of Intention. Secondly let us consider particular intentions being held in the Field of God’s Love – that is to say intentions being held in prayer. Physics names and explores empirically what we know by faith...

Jung on the Shadow: Broadening of Consciousness

Carl Jung said that “the Shadow is the person that we’d rather not be.”  He explains that the Shadow is the side of our personality which we do not consciously display in public.  It may have positive or negative qualities. If it remains unconscious, the Shadow is often projected...

Mindfulness Prayer Day and Seminars – Heart of Life, 2013

Prayer Day – “Mindfulness and Meditation” Saturday 26th March, 2013 – 10am to 3.30pm Facilitated by Chris Chaplin msc —————————————- Seminars – “Mindfulness and Meditation” Five Wednesdays – February 27, March 6, 13, 20, 27, 2013 While there were five Thursdays and participants benefited from all five, each day had...

Radiant Beauty

After recently seeing the film Life of Pi, the scene of Pi in awe at the fluorescent ocean (image left), found its way into my breath meditation. The following poem, expresses my experience. Intense lazer pain in joint between fourth and fifth fingers within the hand. Sit up moving...

The Slow Movement

Time to Usher Out the Fast and the Furious by Rob Moodie The Age – National Times. Opinion. January 2, 2010 THE more information we seek, the more unwanted information we receive. The quicker emails are answered, the quicker a response comes shooting back, leaving the inbox just as...

The Practice of Meditation

During his days at the Ashram, St. Mary’s Towers, Douglas Park, Fr. Vyn Bailey msc guided many of us on the path of meditation practice. The following is some his teaching. From devotedness to God comes perfection of contemplation Perfection comes only gradually. Lifestyles change only by degrees. If...

Living Life Deliberately

Mindfulness takes awareness into the whole of life. The goal of mindfulness is living life deliberately in the Presence of God, and not “sleepwalking” throughout life. God is always with us, but we can’t be aware of God’s Presence in this moment without mindfulness of this moment. Mindfulness makes...