Hiroshima Day Richard Rohr’s Daily Meditations “How can I be more holy?” We don’t have to make ourselves holy. We already are, and we just don’t know it yet. In Christian terminology this inherent holiness is called the Divine Indwelling or the gift of the Holy Spirit. The awakening...
Articles for August 2013
The Importance of Listening
We don’t teach meditation to the young monks. They are not ready for it until they stop slamming doors. Thich Nhat Hanh to Thomas Merton in 1966
Sunday 4th August, 2013
The separate self is the problem, whereas most religion and most people make the shadow self the problem. This leads to denying, pretending, and projecting instead of real transformation into the Divine (Transformation). The Fifth Theme, from the Seven Underlying Themes of Richard Rohr’s Teachings
Saturday 3rd August, 2013
When we find what we were not looking for, there is deep joy. The joy of discovering what we are not looking for. The journey not the destination is what is important. Bishop Vincent Long from homily at Pat Mara’s Deaconate.