These are Gatherings for Men
Dates for 2013 are:
Thurs 21st February to Sun 24th, 2013
Thursday 9th May to Sunday 12th, 2013
Thurs 22nd August to Sun 25th, 2013
Thurs 14th November to Sun 17th, 2013
Venue: The Inner Journey Centre, 86 Toms Creek Rd, Ellenborough NSW 2446
Time: Thursdays 6pm (for dinner) to Sundays 4pm
Cost of three days: (incl. meals & accommodation for 3 nights) $ 380
Bring with you: drawing books & crayons, journal, pair of sheets, pillow case and a towel, also your own personal items. Please bring your own Breath session sheets and towel (please let’s know if you require these to be supplied)
Click here for more information
These are gatherings of men:
who want to take time to be present to themselves.
who want to explore their inner world
who want to connect with the more of who they are.
who have ‘sorry business’, hurts, to tend to.
who want to be in life with all of who they are, mind and body, feelings and spirit.
All you need to participate is:
your story
the desire to connect with more of your wholeness.
These are weekends of personal exploration:
in a supportive group of fellow men.
starting from ‘what is happening for me in life, now’.
using methods from Emotional Release Counselling.
getting beneath our thinking and rationalising.
getting to layers of feeling and release.
being guided by the inner wisdom/healer that we each have.
listening to parts of ourselves that are less conscious.
The methods offered provide:
ways of experiencing both conscious and unconscious parts.
ways of feeling deeply, releasing and clearing.
ways of being present to our bodies, our emotions and our energy.
ways of connecting with our biography, our birth and the transpersonal.
The methods include: (as appropriate)
Sharing parts of our story.
Bioenergetics and movement
Sounding, drawing and journaling.
Breathwork sessions and other meditations.
Dreamwork, Sandplay and other symbol work.
Child / adult integration process.
The facilitators for weekends are Chris Chaplin and Dave West. Both are fully qualified Transpersonal and Emotional Release Counsellors (TERC) and members of the A.T.E.R.C. Inc. Both Dave and Chris are actively engaged in furthering their own inner journeys. We also have visiting Men Counsellors in their supervised clinical practice time to foster more Men Counsellors in the field of TERC practices.