The danger of the monster myth

The danger of the monster myth By Tom Meagher ABC News The Drum Photo: Jill Meagher introduced her husband to the issues of violence against women. (Facebook: Help Us Find Jill Meagher) We must not forget that most violence against women is perpetrated not by a stranger, but by...

Miss Representation

“Miss Representation is a 2011 American documentary film written, directed, and produced by Jennifer Siebel Newsom. It explores how mainstream media contribute to the under-representation of women in influential positions by circulating limited and often disparaging portrayals of women.”

Boys Becoming Men?

There’s Something Absolutely Wrong With What We Do To Boys Before They Grow Into Men “Be a man” is something we’ve all heard at one time or another, even a few of the women reading this right now. Being a “man” in that sense means something completely different to...

Time for Men – June 2013

After a nonstarter in March, the second “Time for Men” Saturday for 2013, was held at Heart of Life Spirituality Centre on June 8th.  Three men joined facilitator Chris Chaplin msc, to share ‘life stories’ and talk through topics of interest that came up during the sharing.  The Spirit of respect and...

Men’s Journey

Men are called to undertake the true journey of life a journey of humility and acceptance, a journey into their emotions and integrity, a journey into their soul and spirit, a journey into their capacity for love, for their power and for dying. If Men really understood, that the true...

Jung on the Shadow: Broadening of Consciousness

Carl Jung said that “the Shadow is the person that we’d rather not be.”  He explains that the Shadow is the side of our personality which we do not consciously display in public.  It may have positive or negative qualities. If it remains unconscious, the Shadow is often projected...

What’s A Life For?

Discernment Weekends for young men wanting to discern their direction in life and life-commitment choice. Information about the weekends can be found at The last weekend was Friday 12 to Sunday 14 October, 2012 at “The Cliffs”, Shoreham, Victoria. Two men joined us for that discernment weekend and gained...

For David’s 60th…

FOR OLD AGE A reading from Benedictus: A Book of Blessings by John O’Donohue, Bantam Press, London, 2007. p.87   May the light of your soul mind you.   May all your worry and anxiousness about your age Be transfigured.   May you be given wisdom for the eyes...