On Friday June 7, 2013, Heart of Life, the Missionaries of the Sacred Heart, and St Thomas Parish, Blackburn celebrated together the Feast of the Sacred Heart, with a 7pm Eucharistic celebration at St Thomas the Apostle Parish, Blackburn.
Our Celebrant for the Evening was Fr. John Mulrooney MSC, Provincial Superior of the Australian Province. John reminded us from the beginning of the ceremony of the significance of a Spirituality of the Heart for our world today. Now more than ever we need to know the humanity of God in Jesus.
During the homily he called on the words of he quote from St. Theresa of Avila.
“Christ has no body now on earth but yours, no hands but yours, no feet but yours. Yours are the eyes through which to look out Christ’s compassion to the world; your are the feet with which he is to go about doing good; yours are the hands with which he is to bless men and women now.”
The world cries out loudly for the human touch of God and this was brought into sharp focus for us by the Guest Speaker for the festival, Sr. Angela Reed RSM, who has worked with Women and Children who have been victims of Human Trafficking, particularly those trafficked for sexual exploitation.
The celebrations were well supported by the activities of so many people associated with the parish, Heart of Life, and the Melbourne MSC, particularly our student community at Blackburn. A special treat was the brilliant musicians and choir, who would have made James Maher msc very proud.
The Eucharistic celebration was followed by a tasty supper, time for informal conversation and lot’s of catching up with familiar friends.
Thanks to all who helped with the evening.