
Sunday 4th August, 2013

The separate self is the problem, whereas most religion and most people make the shadow self the problem. This leads to denying, pretending, and projecting instead of real transformation into the Divine (Transformation). The Fifth Theme, from the Seven Underlying Themes of Richard Rohr’s Teachings    

Saturday 3rd August, 2013

When we find what we were not looking for, there is deep joy. The joy of discovering what we are not looking for. The journey not the destination is what is important. Bishop Vincent Long from homily at Pat Mara’s Deaconate.  

Thursday 25th July, 2013

Sorrento Retreat Day 7:   The goal, if there is one, is out of sight.  I see no thing, nor do I intuit where it is leading me.  I am in the darkest dark I have known.  Not a dark humour but a darkness of clarity.  To arrive at a goal I...

Wednesday 24 July, 2013

Sorrento Retreat Day 6:  Again, light and joy.  Light and joy at some level beneath apprehension. Light and joy in the morning and light and joy in the evening.  And if this is so then light and joy is the constant underpinning of standing in willingness rather than a...

Tuesday 23 July, 2013

Sorrento Retreat Day 5:  While to my complete awe I am greeted again, a seventh time in three days, with light and joy, there is a new night-time dawning.  The clarity with which separation is determined, is not clear at all.  I turn and face the strange; as Bowie serenaded in the...

Monday 22 July, 2013

Sorrento Retreat Day 4:  The joy and light of the last two days offers a fruit-bearing branch. It seems the time of travail is ended and I have come home to myself in some regard – the separation, mindfulness and determination now a deliberate choice. The unexpected shift that...

Friday 19 July, 2013

Sorrento Retreat Day 1: Rising, I recall the dream of hours earlier, talking with David Bowie – what a nice guy!  The night messenger still playing in my head the music but with some adapted (italics) lyrics.  Don’t know if the dreaming has a problem with copyright infringement. Changes by David...


Sunday night June 23rd, 2013 As the moon rose tonight over Western Port Bay, it was an eerie red colour and quite large and bright.  The photo shows how the sky was lit up as if it was twilight.  The moon was at its closest proximity to the earth this...


As myth transcends thought, Incarnation transcends myth. The old myth of the Dying God, without ceasing to be myth, comes down from the heavens of legend and imagination to the earth of history. It happens at a particular date, in a particular place, followed by definable historical consequences. ....