May you recognize in your life the presence, Power and light of your soul. May you realize that you are never alone, That your soul in its brightness and belonging Connects you intimately with the rhythm of the universe. May you have respect for your individuality and difference. May...
Vale Steve … twelve months on
A visit this afternoon to spend a moment with Steve Nolan, at Kempsey. His headstone reads, “Earth’s crammed with heaven and every common bush afire with God But only he who sees takes off his shoes.” (Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Aurora Leigh (1857), Bk. VII, l. 812-826) and then, “One...
For David’s 60th…
FOR OLD AGE A reading from Benedictus: A Book of Blessings by John O’Donohue, Bantam Press, London, 2007. p.87 May the light of your soul mind you. May all your worry and anxiousness about your age Be transfigured. May you be given wisdom for the eyes...
Devotedness to God brings Perfect Contemplation
From Patanjali’s Meditation Yoga, Translation and Commentary by Vyn Bailey msc SUTRA 45 SAMADHI-SIDDHIH ISVARA-PRANIDHANAT From devotedness to god comes perfection of contemplation SAMADHI contemplation SIDDHI efficiency • attainment • perfection ISVARA lord • ruler • prince • king • God PRANIDHANA devotion • devotedness After a meditation session at...
To Be Love
THE OFFICE OF READINGS – 1st October A reading from the autobiography of St Teresa of the Child Jesus To be love, deep in the heart of the Church I was still being tormented by this question of unfulfilled longings for martyrdom and it was a distraction in my...
Personal Structure and Love
from the Daily Meditations of Cardinal Carlo Martini Study for the Last Supper, © Copyright 1993 Becki Jayne Harrelson, The intimacy between Jesus and the beloved disciple John, is presented in a striking way in this cameo taken from; Study for the Last Supper, (Oils on stretched canvas) by...
The Invitation
When I heard the words of this poem “The Invitation” I heard them as God’s words to me, and by consequence God’s people – humanity’s words to me, and then as I hear God calling me deeper I hear all of creation inviting me to be true. Too often...
Walking a Labyrinth – A journey of the heart
LABYRINTHS: A GUIDE Adapted from Rebecca Valette Boston College USA for use at St. Mary’s Towers Retreat Centre, Douglas Park, NSW, Australia Walking the Meditation Labyrinth – Five Paths through the Labyrinth 1. The Path of Silence: Empty your mind of the hubbub and commotion of the outer world....
Wangari Maathai dies
Kenyan environmental activist Wangari Maathai the first African woman to be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, has died of cancer at the age of 71, her family announced Monday. “It is with great sadness that the family of Professor Wangari Maathai announces her passing away on at the...
Mindfulness and Meditation – Steps to Stillness
APPROACHING STILLNESS When I really love someone I’m deeply attentive to them – disposed to enjoy their presence. What they are thinking and feeling is important to me. When attending to them I may be aware my own thoughts, needs and feelings becoming quiet. I meditate to still my...
Douglas Park & Hartzer Retreats 2011
An Authentic Ring What makes religious teaching seem relevant for us, is when it speaks a language which resonates with our experience. If there’s a good-fitting congruence between what we know from living something and what is expressed to us by others, then something in us goes “ping!!” and...
St John Chrysostom: The five paths of Repentance
St John Chrysostom wrote of the five paths of repentance Shall I list the paths of repentance? There are certainly many of them, many and various, and all of them lead to heaven. CONDEMNATION OF SIN The first path is the path of condemnation of sins. As Isaiah says, Tell...
Seminars – Heart of Life Spirituality Centre, 2011
In August, 2011, I was privileged to be with some wonderful people and give seminars at the Heart of Life Spirituality Centre, Box Hill, Victoria. The Seminars included; Apophatic Prayer and the use of mandalas in spiritual direction Mindfulness and Meditation An exploration of the influence of C. G....
Tuesday 21 June, 2011
“Chris you know the path I have chosen for you”, that’s what I heard you say today. “Why would you choose anything other than what I have called you to. Chris you know the path I have chosen for you. You know I loved you. You know I have...
Rumbek mourns Bishop Ceasere Mazzolari
Rumbek, South Sudan, mourns its Bishop Ceasere Mazzolari, a tireless man of God. On Saturday July 16th the Bishop of Rumbek, South Sudan, Bishop Ceasere Mazzolari died. The 74 year old Italian Comboni missionary suffered a seizure during the celebration of morning Mass. With the help of the religious...
Vilification of Refugees & Asylum Seekers
Nero’s Fire by Jim Rigby, in Common July 2, 2011 At a gathering on World Refugee Day, we remembered the 1,900 people deported or detained last year from Austin. Friends and family gathered to weep for their missing loved ones. We spoke about the private prisons springing like...
ride4acure 2011 Trek launch
Read by Chris Chaplin msc, at the ride4acure Crescent Head to Cottesloe Beach journey blessing, of Esther, Joe, Maura, Titan, Lofty, Meg, Clancy, Bobby, Hamish and Emily, as they begin their epic trek from the Pacific Ocean to the Indian Ocean on horseback, in memory of Hanna Rose on her 23rd...
March 2, 2011 to July 17, 2013
Journal entries here are from March 2, 2011 to July 17, 2013. Posted Wednesday July 17, 2013 I recall Peter Malone once challenging me to find my own language for the interior life. I had come to acknowledge the simplicity and congruence of the language of John of the...
China Bans Reincarnation Without Government Permission
From The Huffington Post In one of history’s more absurd acts of totalitarianism, China has banned Buddhist monks in Tibet from reincarnating without government permission. According to a statement issued by the State Administration for Religious Affairs, the law, which goes into effect next month and strictly stipulates the...
Empathy towards asylum seekers
A Crack in the Wall of Xenophobia by Ross Gittins, Sydney Morning Herald, February 23, 2011 Attitudes towards asylum seekers may be impervious to rational argument but not to emotion. Scientists used to think that chimpanzees – our close relatives – were a gentle, peace-loving species, until they observed...