Rhythms of Presence
Week 32 in Ordinary Time The normal rhythm of a day includes times when the joy of the day and the bright sunshine, blue skies, birds singing and beauty surrounds you. And then this fades and gives way to the shadows and fears of night and the unknowing of...
Heart Spirituality: a Process Approach
By Chris Chaplin, msc INTRODUCTION It has been said, “A healthy church is a missionary church”. This might lead us to an end of the “managing decline” approach to leadership, in favour of looking for signs of life in the Spirit. A General Conference is a good opportunity to...
Intention arises in the heart
Genesis recounts the Creation. A movement of division and diversity. From one whole, comes many parts. Heaven and earth, light and darkness, day and night, evening and morning, waters above heaven and waters below, earth and seas, diverse vegetation, Sun and Moon with the stars. In the beginning God...
I will not fail you
Monday February 4 2019 The heroes of faith listed in the reading from the Hebrews 11:32-40 were, “weak people given strength.” In today’s Gospel text Mark 5:1-20, we hear that no one had the strength to control the demoniac. He was possessed by something very powerful. Our world today...
God leads us.
Rome is a beautiful city. A very historical city. We know that there are more churches in Rome than in any other city in the world. I think you could live here for a life time and never visit every church in Rome. The churches are highly decorated. There...
How memory works
How memory works The Conversation By Jee Hyun Kim and Wes Mountain Jee Hyun Kim is head of the Developmental Psychobiology Lab at the Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health. Wes Mountain is the Deputy Multimedia Editor at The Conversation. Originally published in The Conversation.
Being Blindsided
Shadow and Being Blindsided “… like most dark nights of the soul, wounds expectedly and at a particularly vulnerable part of ourselves. When you read the literature on nights of the soul by the great mystics, you see that a dark night of the soul almost always hits you in...
Protected: Mindfulness & Meditation – CLC August 2016
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Responding to Stress – Tuly Laffa
Seyyed Hossein Nasr – God and Man
Meditation Anywhere Anytime
From Huffington Post Facebook
Peter Russell, The Global Brian
InBrief: How Resilience is Built
Protected: Healing Retreat Vietnam
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Protected: Enneagram – Ellenborough May, 2016
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God’s Love Sublimely Manifest
Lord Krishna expressed in his life pure love in its highest form. He has shown to the world that a love without any impurity can exist between man and woman. His expression of divine love was unique in this world. Krishna had many women disciples, but one favourite, Radha....
Mindfulness put simply
In our new video brought to life by Gobblynne Animation, featuring Sharon Salzberg, Sharon narrates a story about how mindfulness allows us to see our thoughts and feelings as they are. Posted by Happify on Wednesday, 20 January 2016
A Matter of Privilege
I once saw a high school teacher lead a simple, powerful exercise to teach his class about privilege and social mobility. He started by giving each student a scrap piece of paper and asked them to crumple it up. Then he moved the recycling bin to the front of...