Mindfulness takes awareness into the whole of life.
The goal of mindfulness is living life deliberately in the Presence of God, and not “sleepwalking” throughout life. God is always with us, but we can’t be aware of God’s Presence in this moment without mindfulness of this moment.
Mindfulness makes all time sacred time.
• Being in the present moment. Be aware of where you are, what you’re doing, who you’re with. What you are thinking and feeling. Focus on the here and the now.
• Every act is a Rite. As much as possible, keep a sense of presence even of the most mundane tasks. You might even tell yourself, “Here I take the sacred shower,” or “now I quiet myself to eat”, or “sweeping this floor with you my God!'”
• Every moment is Prayer. Lifting up the “Holy Sparks” of God for everyone in everything that you do. Dedicate ordinary actions like running, walking, cleaning a room, as prayer to help a friend, promote peace, etc. Even if you’re experiencing pain or some kind of suffering, be present to it, being mindful of God throughout your experience of it.
• Practicing the Presence of God—Keeping a mindful awareness of God, around and within you throughout the day.